Debbie Moberly
LNCT welcomes Debbie Moberly as our newest director. Debbie has been involved with the Trust since 2004 as a supporter and volunteer. She knows the Trust and believes in our mission. Debbie possesses exemplary leadership and communication skills that are so important in our work. She took on the leadership of the Resource Development Committee over two years ago and has helped us increase our revenues through grant funds for needed projects and in our annual fund raising efforts. Like so many in this community, Debbie has been tireless in her effort to help other local not-for-profits succeed. We are so very fortunate to have her join our strong and dedicated LNCT Board.
Roxann Balmer
Active for three years as a volunteer in the community garden at Alder Creek Farm, this native Oregonian joined the board in August 2016. She retired to the coast with her husband Mark in 2014 after being a part-time North Coast resident for 20 years. Roxann was raised in a camping and white water rafting family, so working on protecting the natural world is second nature. “As a kid,” she explains, “I can remember we camped every weekend, weather permitting, including Thanksgiving.” A graduate of Portland State University, Roxann had a long career in the internal auditing industry, including as Global Director of Internal Audit for Nike, Inc. She is keenly interested in strategy, operations, and systems. Roxann is especially drawn to the community aspects of the Trust’s mission and vision: “The garden at Alder Creek Farm has been a terrific place to meet new people and also to make a difference in the lives of others. We donate harvest to the food bank, in fact about one ton of a food a year, as well as teaching and learning about growing food on the coast. With everything we do, we are strengthening the foundations of our community.”
Michael patterson
A native of Oregon, Michael joined the Board in September of 2019. Michael brings a wealth of experience and success leading teams through transformational change. Michael earned his Master Gardener’s certificate in 2019 and volunteers at the Oregon Food Bank garden in Beaverton; as well as, coordinates volunteers to maintain native plant gardens and pollinator gardens at an elementary school in Portland. Michael also teaches basic gardening skills through the Oregon Food Bank.
“I fundamentally believe we need to do all we can to preserve and enhance our ecosystem and environment. I joined LNCT for uniqueness of the opportunity it affords a community to protect and improve a small and important part of our world. And, I get to work with smart and dedicated people who personify my motto …’work with passion, do things differently, and be willing to do the hard things.’”
Nancy Chase
Nancy Chase lives in Falcon Cove and Portland. She first joined our board in May of 2006 and returned in June 2014. With a degree in landscape architecture from Washington State University, Nancy spent her career working in the Portland Metro area for the preservation of parks and natural areas and currently assists the city of Portland with open space acquisition.
Nancy also volunteers on preservation and restoration projects across the nation. She serves on our board because “I love the Oregon coast, and I want to help preserve its scenic beauty and wildlife values.”
Doug Firstbrook
Founding Director
We are pleased to announce that one of the Trust’s founders, Doug Firstbrook, has rejoined the Board of Directors. Doug brings to the Board the rich history and dedication of the founders and his unmatched personal commitment to conservation within this beautiful valley.
Doug was a co-founder of the Nehalem Bay Little League, co-founder and chair (97-98) for Lower Nehalem Watershed Council, and co-founder and Board member of Lower Nehalem Community Trust. He also served on the Manzanita Planning Commission. Today he continues to work on the Nehalem Teaching Trail, and co-chairs the Biennial Nehalem Estuary Cleanup.
Doug’s knowledge and energy on behalf of the Trust has never faltered. He sees the Trust as an opportunity to engage community in the creative process of protecting local natural systems through collective involvement and time on the land.
Kopali Serna is a holistic health practitioner and potter whose love and connection to this land and ecosystems brought her and her husband to the Nehalem area last year. Kopali brings over fifteen years of experience in community activism and non-profit development and is eager to apply her passion for community-building toward land protection. She holds a certificate in Ecological Horticulture and enjoys community gardening, teaching, writing and being outdoors.